Reynolds' relation-preserving operator on functions
The whole idea behind the parametricity result is that parametrically polymorphic functions preserve relations, an insight dating back at least to Reynolds’ abstraction theorem.
Example. Let $h:\alpha\ra\alpha$ be a parametrically polymorphic function. Let $R:A\ra B$ be a relation on two arbitrary types $A$ and $B$. The free theorem of $h$ applied to $R$ then reads $$\langle\fa a:A, b:B :: bRa \implies (h~b)R(h~a)\rangle$$
The key, as Wadler put it, is to read types as relations. Formally, suppose types are given by the following grammar $$t ::= c ~|~ \alpha ~|~ t_1 \ra t_2$$ in which $c$ denotes a concrete type (e.g. $\texttt{Bool}$), $\alpha$ a type variable, and $t_1\ra t_2$ a function from $t_1$ to $t_2$. For a type $t$ with type variables $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n$, and relations $R_i:A_i\ra B_i$ associated with each $\alpha_i$, define the relation $$R_t:t[\alpha_1 := A_1,\dots,\alpha_n := A_n]\ra t[\alpha_1 := B_1,\dots,\alpha_n := B_n]$$ inductively as follows:
R_c &=& id\\
R_{\alpha_i} &=& R_i\\
R_{t_1\ra t_2} &=& R_{t_2}\la R_{t_1}
In the last equation, $R_{t_2}\la R_{t_1}$ is the relation on functions, typed $(A\ra B)\ra(A’\ra B’)$ if $R_{t_1}: A\ra A'$ and $R_{t_2}:B\ra B'$, such that $$g(R_{t_2}\la R_{t_1})f \iff \langle\fa a:A,a’:A’ :: a’R_{t_1}a \implies (g~a’)R_{t_2}(f~a)\rangle$$ or, equivalently, $$g\comp R_{t_1}\subseteq R_{t_2}\comp f$$
In other words, $g(R_{t_2}\la R_{t_1})f$ holds if $f$ and $g$ map $R_{t_1}$-related inputs to $R_{t_2}$-related outputs. The parametricity result then reads as follows:
$h R_t h$, for any parametrically polymorphic function $h :t$.
Returning to our initial example, from the type of $h:\alpha\ra \alpha$ we extract that, for any relation $R:A\ra B$, $h_B(R\la R)h_A$, equivalently, $h_B\comp R \subseteq R\comp h_A$, equivalently, $\langle\fa a:A, b:B :: bRa \implies (h~b)R(h~a)\rangle$. One interesting case is when $R$ is actually a function (i.e. an entire and simple relation), say $f:A\ra B$. In such case, the free theorem of $h$ boils down to the natural property of identity, i.e. $$h_B \comp f = f \comp h_A$$ wherefrom we conclude that $h$ corresponds to the identity function, as it was obviously clear from the beginning.
This $\la$ operator, as we can appreciate, is the cornerstone in the construction of $R_t$ in the parametricity result. Backhouse named it the Reynolds’ arrow operator and studied it as a standalone operator for its calculational merits. Let us define it formally and see some examples of where it can be found. We conclude this presentation with a few lemmata that are particularly useful for calculations.
Definition. Let $R:A\ra B$ and $S:C\ra D$ denote two relations. Define the relation $$S\la R: (A\ra C) \ra (B\ra D)$$ on arbitrary functions $f:A\ra C$ and $g:B\ra D$ such that
$$ g(S\la R)f \iff g\comp R \subseteq S\comp f $$
i.e. makes the following diagram semi-commute:
A @>{f}>> C\\
@VRVV\subseteq @VVSV\\
B @>>{g}> D
Example. A homomorphism between groups $(G,\dagger)$ and $(H,\ddagger)$ is a function $f:G\ra H$ such that
$$ \langle\forall x,y\in G :: f(x\dagger y) = (f~x)\ddagger(f~y)\rangle $$
Or, in other words, such that $\ddagger(f\la f\times f)\dagger$, cf. the following commutative diagram:
G\times G @>{\dagger}>> G\\
@V{f\times f}VV @VVfV\\
H\times H @>>{\ddagger}> H
To wit,
$$ \startCalc \ddagger(f\la f\times f)\dagger \stepCalc{\iff}{$\la$} \ddagger\comp (f\times f)\subseteq f\comp\dagger \stepCalc{\iff}{Equality on functions} \ddagger\comp (f\times f) = f\comp\dagger \stepCalc{\iff}{Introducing variables} \langle\forall x,y\in G::\ddagger\comp(f\times f)(x,y) = f\comp\dagger (x,y)\rangle \stepCalc{\iff}{$\comp$ and $\times$} \langle\forall x,y\in G::(f~x)\ddagger(f~y) = f(x\dagger y)\rangle \endCalc $$
Example. The category Grp of groups and group homomorphisms can then be stated as follows:
- Objects: groups $(G,\dagger)$.
- Arrows: functions $f:(G,\dagger)\ra(H,\ddagger)$ such that $\ddagger(f\la f\times f)\dagger$.
- Identity and composition are as in Set.
Example. The category Rel found in The Joy of Cats (p. 22) is defined by:
- Objects: pairs $(X,\rho)$ denoting binary relations $\rho:X\ra X$.
- Arrows: relation-preserving maps $f:(X,\rho)\ra(Y,\sigma)$ such that $x'~\rho~x$ implies $(f~x’)\sigma(f~x)$.
- Identity and composition are as in Set.
Thus, an arrow $f:(X,\rho)\ra(Y,\sigma)$ in Rel is a function $f:X\ra Y$ such that
$$ f(\sigma\la\rho)f $$
i.e. makes the following diagram semi-commute:
X@>{f}>> Y\\
@V{\rho}VV\subseteq @VV\sigma V\qquad f\comp\rho\subseteq\sigma\comp f\\
X@>>{f}> Y
To wit,
$$ \startCalc f\comp\rho\subseteq\sigma\comp f \stepCalc{\iff}{Shunting} \rho\subseteq f^\circ\comp\sigma\comp f \stepCalc{\iff}{Introducing variables} \langle\forall x’,x\in X : x'~\rho~x : x’(f^\circ\comp\sigma\comp f)x\rangle \stepCalc{\iff}{$\comp$ and $^\circ$} \langle\forall x’,x\in X : x'~\rho~x : (f~x’)\sigma(f~x)\rangle \endCalc $$
Lemma. Let $R$, $S$, $U$ and $V$ denote relations. Then
- $id\la id = id$
- $(S\la R)^\circ = S^\circ \la R^\circ$
- $(S\la R)\comp(V\la U) \subseteq (S\comp V)\la(R\comp U)$
Lemma. Let $f$, $g$ and $k$ denote functions. Then
- $k(f\la g)h \iff k\comp g = f\comp h$
- $(f\la g^\circ)h = f\comp h\comp g$
Lemma. The $\la$ operator is order-preserving on the left hand side and order-reversing on the right hand side, i.e. for $R$, $S$, $U$ and $V$ relations, $$\infer{S\subseteq V & R\supseteq U}{(S\la R)\subseteq(V\la U)}$$
Reynolds, J.C. (1983). Types, Abstraction and Parametric Polymorphism. IFIP Congress.
Philip Wadler. 1989. Theorems for free! In Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Functional programming languages and computer architecture (FPCA ’89). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 347–359.
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Backhouse, R. C. (1990). On a Relation on Functions. In Beauty Is Our Business (pp. 7–18). Springer New York.
Backhouse, K., & Backhouse, R. (2004). Safety of abstract interpretations for free, via logical relations and Galois connections. Science of Computer Programming, 51(1–2), 153–196